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Buddhist Catechism * Henry Steel Olcott (isbn 0835600270)

Unbelievable how many times this little book has been reprinted. It is from the hand of colonel Olcott who stood at the cradle of the Theosophical Society of Blavatsky. In a simple form Olcott presents the basics of Buddism. This is for the present day partly known information. The history of Buddhism, the life of Siddarta, etc. But you will also read things that even people who know something of Buddism do not know. This surely makes this little book a nice piece of general information. Also the text was agreed upon by all kinds of Buddists that Olcott asked to read his text, so the catechism is surely ‘unsectaric’. Another nice point is that the doctrines are very ‘Blavatsky-like’. You will also learn the underflow of Blavatsky’s writings, so this is interesting for everyone interested in Theosophy. Surely a book that deserves to be reprinted over and over. Too bad about the irritation Q&A-form though.

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