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But we are pagan

But we are pagan; [a]nd we remind the Italian freemasons once again that masonic science has nothing to do with the religion of Jesus, or any other; it is instead the same wisdom that classical civilization cherished and transmitted through its sacred mysteries.

Arturo Reghini, quoted in Occultism and Traditionalism

Spiritual equality

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Nowadays it is thought that truth may be gained through discussion, and it seems natural that the pupil may put himself on a level with his master, arguing with him. With the prejudice of equality, and with its derivations: freedom, human rights, sovereign people, compulsory
fraternity, economic utopias, etc. etc., every principle of authority has been undermined, every spiritual and intellectual superiority has been trivialised, hierarchy unknown or reversed, and deference and reverence to a master have vanished.

Arturo Reghini

From the book Occultism and Traditionalism

Freemasonry is initiatic

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Freemasonry is neither a religion nor a surrogate for religion, being rather an initiatic philosophy capable of providing cognitive and methodological tools to aid individuals to embark on a journey towards personal improvement and spiritual perfection.

Fabio Venzi in Studies On Traditional Freemasonry p. 175

If no corrective measures are implemented

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If no corrective measures are implemented, the consequence could be that the remaining initiatic and ritual vestiges based on metaphysical and esoteric doctrines dating back thousands of years will be transformed even further into a squalid syncretism of a pseudo-initiatic nature.

Fabio Venzi in Studies On Traditional Freemasonry p. 179

Desacralised Freemasonry

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It may thus be concluded that the desacralisation and demythicisation of the modern world have markedly affected Freemasonry, which, although continuing to undertake its ancient rituals, has evidently not been capable of removing itself from the chaos of time and maintaining intact its heritage of initiatic and esoteric knowledge.

Fabio Venzi in Studies On Tradition Freemasonry p. 178

Sacred space

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The requirement of delimiting the “sacred” space wherein the ritual will be performed consequently implies an additional characteristic of Freemasonry and all initiatic societies: secrecy. The latter term however does not indicate actions conduct in the shadows, but rather a need to remain “segregated” from the rest of the world, to confine oneself to a “sacred” space in which to seek contact with a higher dimension, removed from the rest of the world lingering in a state of chaos and instability. It is solely by means of detachment from the cacophony of everyday life that the vertical pathway can be approached.

Fabio Venzi in Studies On Traditional Freemasonry p. 177

Masonic degeneration

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Undeniably, during the eighteenth century “several” Masonic bodies in Europe introduced the principles of enlightenment into their rituals, this distorting their esoteric and initiatic origins. In these Obediences the ritual has gradually been deprived of its true symbolic significance and replaced by commentaries and exegeses characterised by a desolating banality and a dull moralism reminiscent of the “century of Enlightenment“. This “progressivist” degeneration of the principles of Freemasonry has consequently led to a misconceived interpretation of the concept of Fellowship, increasingly construed as an independent “individual subject” invested with a real power within the context of sociopolitical confiness, or levelling out into a form of essentially moral and material soliddarism.

Fabio Venzi in Studies In Traditional Freemasonry p. 170

Freemasonry is not Enlightenment

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Of all the theories that have harmed and proved particularly damaging to a correct understanding of Freemasonry, one of the most commonly acknowledged maintains that the origins of Freemasonry derive from the Enlightenment movement.

Fabio Venzi in Studies On Traditional Freemasonry p. 170

Masonic continuity

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Is there any degree of continuity between the Medieval “Operative” Masons and the modern “Speculative” Freemasons? Personally I am do not hold with the idea of a temporal continuity, although it is however undeniable that the “operative” Freemasonry to some extent inspired the choice of Masonic symbols. Indeed, Tradition of which Freemasonry is a “form”, was established following the inspiration of numerous other lesser traditions, as the intuition of a being needs to be provoked or assisted through human actions in so far that the crafts may be consecrated: thus, each utensil, each gesture of the craftsmen may be seen as the symbol of a step towards the intuition of a perfect being.

Fabio Venzi in Studies On Traditional Freemasonry p. 153/4

Masonic degeneration

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I have mentioned previously how Freemasonry subsequently transformed from an “Initiatic Society”, degeneration into a fraternal association of mutual assistance that would have found the height of expression in the Obediences strongly bound to the ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

Fabio Venzi in Studies In Traditional Freemasonry p. 95