A few remarks to begin with. It will not be possible to give you a very thorough ‘lesson’ in noise with a little bit of text and examples, so just regard this text as an introduction. However I do not find Youtube a very fitting medium to listen to music, it does have some advantages for me. First, YT is quite static, a Myspace page will change tracks more often. Second, YT has become so common that with no effort whatsoever, I can ’embed’ YT films, while I would have to go through a lot more trouble to have you listen to Myspace tracks. I am not very fond of ’embedding’, since it means that what you see here, is actually located on another server. I would hate it if people did that with my material, but YT supports it, but the down part is, that when the clip is deleted for whatever reason, I have a broken link om my website. I do not intend to keep checking if the films I link to are still there, but should you find a missing one, just put a comment below and I will see what I can do about it.Read More »A little lesson in noise