Last Sunday Hellboy was on TV. It was the second time that I saw it. Undoubtely is it shown now, since Hellboy II will be in the cinemas the day after tomorror in the Netherlands. Hellboy is a strange film with a great sense of humour and great stages and costumes. In a way it is a rather cheasy fantasy action, which, I suppose, is the reason that it seems to do well with the larger audience, but the director knows how to make an impressive film. I saw a trailer for Hellboy II in the cinema and in the first minute I thought it was a trailer for The Mummy 26, but when the magnificent images and stages and eventually Hellboy himself came in, things became clear. On TV I saw another and much less interesting trailer. I think I will go and see Hellboy II in the cinema, if it were only because of the visuals.
We continue rewatching The Prisoner at a slow pace. It remains a great series. I have to reread the Tyr article, but I keep forgetting about that.
Yesterday I got an email that the X-Files 9 series box is on its way. Yes, the latest film is not very good, the previous was just alright, but I want to see the old series again and not from the crappy TV-tapes VHS tapes that I have. I am curious if I still enjoy the old shows like I did 15 years ago.
Also on its way: Eraserhead. I had always thought that I would buy this classic for a few euros some time, but even after the 2000 cleaned-up rerelease, the film remained hard to get, expensive and without a European release with subtitles. Tired of waiting I ordered a copy from the USA.
There are a few things on my wishlist. Tips from friends, things that I ran into on the internet, hopefully I will be able to track down the films to see them some time.