Every now and then I feel the need to have a look at the site statistics, usually when I do, I do not have access to my host’s statistics, but the statistics per section are more interesting anyway.
In the last week I had 1172 unique visitors for the articles section (an average of 167 per day), 811 (116) for the book reviews, 790 (113) for the film reviews and 1248 (178) for the music reviews. As far as I can remember, this is the first time that the music reviews are more popular than articles.
When we have a look at my most popular articles, I have no statistics for the same period, but overall the list looks like this:
Christian Cabala has been accessed 8446 (undoubtely thanks to Wikipedia) since the last time I reset by statistics;
Germanic concepts of fate, 5815 (this is quite something really, I have no idea if anyone links to this article);
Angel magic, 4496 (this has been a popular article for many years);
The occult Renaissance, 3722 (an oldie);
Rune calendars, 3420 (also with thank to Wikipedia);
The nine worlds in Nordic mythology, 2847 (my own theories made visual, so this is flattering);
The index, 2644 (for the articles section this is a little strange, apparently quite some people check frequently for new articles (that seldom appear));
Etz Chayyim, 2314;
Cubic stones from the sky, 2216 (which is more popular than:);
Johannes Bureus, 1882.
This is the top 10. Number 11 is something I am a little proud of “Where did archeologists find Mithraeums?”. This article was a hell of a lot of work and I wanted to fill a gap in information since I knew of nothing similar, a complete as possible list with Mithras-temples that have been found. People who knew of other have given their information as well. This was exactly what I had in mind.
When we have a look at what search terms that people used to find these articles, the top 10 is as follows:
externsteine (used 198 times since the last statistics reset);
nordic mythology 162;
nine worlds 120;
odhinn 92;
christian cabala 69 (so it is not just Wikipedia that makes that article popular);
alchemical cubic stone 65;
brisingamen 64;
the nine worlds 63;
johannes bureus lion 62 (the idea of the ‘lion of the North’ is mentioned in some book or so?);
rune symbols 50.
A remarkable search term is “article(s) on slang” (48 times), one that sometimes catches my eye. I have no idea if my little text about my own slang is what people hoped to find!
So what is popular in the book reviews section?
Index (2077 times; apparently most people are regular visitors rather than people stumbling upon my reviews using a search engine);
The journal of contemporary heathen thought (1347 times, wow, such a new project that attracts this much attention!);
Gerald Suster’s “John Dee” (1265, this is actually quite funny. This website used to be named after Dee’s Monas Hieroglyphica, but I have not done much with Dee until this article of last july);
A quote of Julius Evola “no esoteric Christianity” (949, so my quotes draw attention too, nice);
The Satanic Bible (720, what? There are still people looking for that title?);
Gáldrabok of Stephen Flowers (685, the most used search term as we will see later);
François Sécret’s “Hermetisme et Cabala” (646, is this little book growing to be legendary?);
Transcendental Magic of Elipas Lévi (623);
Quotes index (623, aha!);
Heidnisches Jahrbuch 4 (601, not as popular as the English counterpart, but not bad nonetheless).
And what are the terms that people look for?
galdrabók (39);
de tuin der goden (33, this is a Dutch book with compiled myths, illustrated by the famous Anton Pieck);
peryt shou (29 !);
altgermanische religionsgeschichte (27);
dumezil loki (27);
david lynch decoded (24);
the temptation to exist (24, one of the few philosophy books that I reviewed);
gwendolyn toynton (23);
aat van gilst (22);
noordeuropese mysteriën en hun sporen tot heden (19 yes! hopefully these are English speakers).
For the film reviews this is the top 10 of popular titles:
Index (2447, apparently again most people who just come and check for new reviews)
C’est Arrivé Près De Chez Vous * Remy Belvaux / André Bonzel / Benoît Poelvoorde * 1992 (2306, I had no idea this film is so popular);
Tideland * Terry Gilliam * 2005 (2235);
In The Name Of The King * Uwe Boll (2007) (2032, I don’t even remember this one!);
Be With Me * Eric Khoo (2005) (1804);
Leatherheads * George Clooney (2008) (1753);
Alice In Wonderland * Nick Willing * 1999 (1616, this is not the Burton version!);
The Black Dahlia * Brian de Palma * 2006 (1101)
Brabant 900 * 2006 (976, a documentary about the province that I live in… Does that mean a large part of my readers are province-mates? I might just as well skip the English then!)
Code Inconnu * Michael Haneke * 2000 (871)
Not really the best titles, but there are some nice films there. Further down come “Saw” (bleh), “Jackass” and “Blade”. Fortunately also some better titles (“Trianspotting”, “Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me”, “Twin Peaks series”).
The search terms:
maaz christian volckman (16);
christian volckman maaz (10);
“pål øie” (6)
twin peaks’ (6);
wan mei sheng huo (6);
philip spink (5);
david cronenberg – stereo (5);
rannva barba (4);
loft erik van looy (4);
the blue horse roald (4).
Hardly a top 10 with these low numbers. The first position has been there for many years, quite remarkable. I also like the listing of “Twin Peaks” and “The Blue Horse”, but then again, 4 or 5 searches since the start of the statistics is actually not worth mentioning.
What is popular in the music reviews section?
Index (3285, again by far most popular);
v/a * World End Broadcasting (1275, no idea why, this is a pretty bad compilation!);
Predominance * Nocturnal Gates Of Incidence (cd 2000 loki) (830, a classic);
music-blog (640, this is the only section where people read the blog. Not that much happens there, but I could use it some more);
Haus Arafna * You (cd 2010) (599, may, for such a recent release);
Omne Datum Optimum presents Missa XXI (cd 2004 cynfeirdd) (592, another classic. They seem to have a new album, I don’t know if I’ll ever hear it);
abc-archive (590, and this is the only section where people use the archive page);
AUN * Black Pyramid (cd 2010) (582);
Hunting The Robot * Our Ocean Is Illuminated (ep 2010) (539, local band. I thought they got plenty of attention so they would’t need an underground dark music website for their reviews. My review isn’t even positive…);
Der Blutharsch * Flying High! (cd 2009) (536).
The most popular tag is “Tesco” and besides relatively popular releases, also 15 Delights Of Dionysus (an old project of the Riddick twins of …The Soil Bleeds Black), Bang Bang Eche and Hadewych are a little further down.
aun black pyramid (33);
haus arafna you review (32);
cunttt (23 this search term gives a Bang Bang Eche review, but I have no idea why people use this term so much);
sistrenatus (22 way to go Harlow);
haus arafna you (21);
der blutharsch flying high (18);
maska genetik strada blogspot (18 hm, I don’t like these “blogspot” results. These are probably people looking for free downloads);
sopor aeternus (13, what? I haven’t reviewed her/his last 20 albums);
haus arafna new york rhapsody blogspot (13);
derniere volonte immortel review (11).
Well, quite an overview. Some (nice) surprises. No idea if anything of this would interest you too!