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Ex.Order @ Phobos

There was a time that I did not go to the Wave Gotik Treffen every single year and one year that I missed (2012) Ex.Order played. Disappointed I hoped that I would get another chance to see them another time.

I am unsure if I missed them at another occasion, but a while back I thought I registered them playing at the Phobos festival in Wuppertal, Germany. I saw Land:Fire there once.

Phobos is a small festival with mostly ambient music and it takes place in a church. Probably because of Corona (hence: that is not going to happen anyway) I did not really think about this until during my holidays I saw an announcement that the festival got a new location in order to be able to comply the German Corona rules.

What?!? The festival will continue??

Of course there are limited tickets, so I had to be quick to try and buy mine in order to know miss Ex.Order again should this festival indeed continue. Bad Wifi, almost no phone reception, argh. But I managed. I have got tickets for 17 October!

Atomine Elektrine is announced, Aidan Baker who I do not know and one project is to be added.

So, if nothing unexpected happens, my first concert in many months may very well be Ex.Order! Yiha!

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