Stephansdom figure
Recently I was in Wien/Vienna, Austria and I thought to find the figure that the following image is based on. I know this image from Farwerck and I had the idea that he gives Guido von List as a source for his image, but I cannot find (anymore) where he says that. It occurred to me that I never saw a photo of the image where this drawing was based on, so I wanted to find out if it is really a figure of the Stephansdom and if it still exists. Let us first start to trace some sources for the image. The image above is from Farwerck’s posthumous book Noordeuropese Mysteriën en hun Sporen tot Heden (1978). A slightly different version of the image appears in Noord-Europa, een der Bronnen van de Maçonnieke Symboliek (1955). As you can see, the images are not exactly the same. Are they not… Read More »Stephansdom figure