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Democrazy in Tibet?

I was unpleasently surprised when I heard the news yesterday. Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama (since 1940), announced that he will lay down a part of his function in favour of a chosen successor. A few things went through my head. I had the (Theosophistic mistaken?) assumption that Tibet was ruled by a pair of Lamas, the Dalai Lama who is the worldly leader and the Panchen Lama (also Pänchen, Teshu or Tashi Lama), the spiritual leader. According to the Dutch news, the Dalai Lama was both the spiritual and worldly leader of the Tibetans and from now on, he will only be the spiritual leader. The current Panchen Lama (Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, the 11th Panchen Lama since 1995) was born in 1989 and he disappeared. According the Chinese occupier the 11th Panchen Lama is Qoigyijabu (Gyancain Norbu), but even the Tibetans themselves do not agree on who is the actual 11th Panchen Lama. Perhaps because all of this controversy, the Dalai Lama took both tasks, but when you read (Western) information about the Lamas, it looks like the Panchen Lama has always been on the second plane.Read More »Democrazy in Tibet?

Julius Evola – a biography

Evola is a name of which more and more people have heard, but not too many people know something about. When you try to find books of the man, you will have a hard time on the European continent, but in the USA or UK you may succeed. The internet is the best solution when you want to learn something about Evola. When you try one of the bigger search engines, you will have found some good pages pretty quickly, many are in Italian, but in German or English is enough to be found. That the attention and familiarity of Evola starts to increase lately, is mainly caused by the fact that the American publisher Inner Traditions started to release English translations of different books for the first time. Until now 13 books and several articles are available in english. This is only a small part of Evola’s bibliography which… Read More »Julius Evola – a biography

The death of fortune

This article is mostly for foreign visitors. Dutch visitors who watch the news will probably not read much new. Politics in the Netherlands used to be easy. The people from the Catholic south voted for the CDA (Christian democrats), making it the biggest party in many elections. In the (Protestant) north and of course the non-Catholic or critical south, there were only a few other options. There was the PVDA (labour party), D’66 (democratic party founded in 1966) for the more leftish-oriented voters and the VVD (the liberal and conservative party) that was mostly regarded as the party for the rich people. A small but uncoming party as Groen Links (green left), as the name suggests an environmentally oriented leftisch party. Further there were no parties with any influence, just one for the old people, another small Christian party and a very small reformed party and some hardly worth mentioning.… Read More »The death of fortune