La Géométrie du Maçon
More and more valuable ancient documents become available to the larger public. There are a couple of massive Masonic archives that have been handed over to professional archives. These archives have started to digitize material and put it on their websites. So we have the famous collection of Johann Georg Burckhard Franz Kloß (also: Kloss) (1787-1854). The “Bibliotheca Klossiana” was gifted by the long time Grand Master of the Grand Orient of the Netherlands, Willem Frederik Karel (Frits) (1797-1881) to the Grand Orient which has digitized it all and the result is freely available on the website of the Dutch Museum of Freemasonry (1). The Kloss archive is massive and contains many old rituals, correspondence, histories and what not. The archives of the Grand Orient de France, the largest Masonic organisation in France, was confiscated by the Germans during World War II. During the liberation, the Russians ran into the… Read More »La Géométrie du Maçon